Unique House 5
based on the perception I have, Unique is being the only one of its kind or in other word I say unlike anything else. it should be wow and when someone look at that they are amazed. when every one thought house should has square shape and piramid roof but he think beyond everyone's thought. however the thought when applied to the design in the real house works iits function otherwise people will say it is failed design.
these are the example of unique design is the picture of a house bellow.
this building is very unique. it is a cafe. the pillars of the building that support the roof is made of wood. the wood is not just put a singgle wood erected vertically but the wood is put in horizontall. the number of the wood is not only one. They are cut into some pieces in the various length. they are stacked. if could compare, it is slightly the same as lego that are stacked.
the next unique house is
this house is upside down.
This unique house was built by a Polish architect named Daniel Czapiewski. At that time, the construction of this unique house was intended as an expression of the end of the communist era in Poland. The construction of this house illustrates the instability of social life that occurred during the Communist period.
The process of making this unique house takes four times longer than an ordinary house. This is because the workers who built this unique house felt dizzy and disoriented when carrying out their construction tasks. This unique type of house you can also use as a tourist or restaurant later.
let's take look from another side
now you question yourself where the entrence is.
well this house is a normal house. normal house here means it is made and design as it's function, can be occupied. it has rooms inside and it has entrance.
let's take a look the entrance.
as you ccan see in the picture. there are many visitors curious with the design of this house. they enter to see the interior of the house wether they are upside down or not.
let's take a look from another side
yes, now you see the roof of the house. if we see from the usage of the roof then the usage of the roof is like a normal house. it is the protection from heat and water and some of the top roof can be used as place.
the roof the this house can be occupied as well. you can use it to dry your clothes or gardening. this is really amazing unique house design.
let's take a look clearer the entrance of the house.
through its open door you can see that the house is normal and can be occupied.
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keywords; unique house, desighs of house, idea on house design, exterior, unique house design. they are exist house. Daniel Czapiewski house design, Szymbark