Smart Kitchen Design

Kitchen is the most fragile room among the rooms in our house. fragile here means easy to be messy. most of the time we use time to tidy the kitchen but easily get messy after that. in the morning time se spend our time to tidy everything in the kitchen but a short wahile after breakfast it usually get messy.

the setting of the kitchen sets will also really change the beauty of the kitchen. even the sets are expensive but the setting place is not good then it will decrease the eye-catching.

Smart kitchen light purple

The color theme of this kitchen design is Light purple and white. the lamp is put on the top of the kitchen dashbor ceilling to bring the sense of glowy. The color of the matt is deep purple put on the floor. it brings contrastness and tastes harmony with the color of the kitchen set. a black dispenser is put beside of the kitchen counter. the kitchen counter itself black. all the kitcehn sett are deep purple. most of the kitchen sett are hanging which is contrast with the color of the wall but then iit emmerge the feeling of harmony. 

the color of the kitchen units store under the stove is light purple. 

smart kitchen red and white

Basically, The color theme of this kitchen design is Red and white. this is the combination of contrast colors, white, red and black. White color is for door's of the kitchen units under the kitchen counter, wall, floor, and the door of the cabinets. the red color is for all the kitchen set. the color of the kitchen counter is black. the combination of the contrasts color in a good setting will immerge eye-catching situation. 

the kitchen sets in this kitchen are one stove with two fire and there is a red kattle above the stove. red tube shaped dustbin in the corner beside of the door. a red mat laying on the floor with a beautiful heart shape. a faucet. red shelf dishes. some flowers put on the wall wit red pot. red and white dishtowell hanging above the faucet. 

Save space purple kitchen

wood kitchen

yellow grey smart kitchen

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keywords; smart kitchen, cheap kitchen, smart save space kitchen, save kitchen, save space kitchen. 

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