RPP bahasa inggris kelas XI (sudah di translate dalam bahasa inggris)

Subject                     : English
Class / Semester      : XI/Even semester of SMA 8 Kediri
Topic                          Topic                      : Procedure Text
Sub Topic                 : procedure text oral and written
Alocation of time      : 2 x 45 

Lesson Plan


KI 1     : Concerning and practicing the value of their religion
KI 2     : Exploring the attitude(honest, discipline, responsibility, care, cooperation, piece, responsive and active)and shows the attitude as problem solver in the country in effective interaction in social society and take position ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the association world.

KI 3     : Understand, apply, analyze, and evaluate factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural in science, technology, arts, culture, and humanities with human insight, national, state, and civilization-related phenomena and events, as well as applying procedural knowledge in a specific field of study according to their talents and interests to solve the problem.

KI 4     : Tries, process, and serve in the concrete realm  and abstract domains associated with the development of the independently learned in school, and was able to use the method according to the rules of science.
Main Competence

Subject                     : English
Class / Semester     : XI/Even semester of SMA 8 Kediri
Topic                          Topic                                    : Procedural Text
Sub Topic                 : Imperative Verb/Action Verb
Alocation of time     : 1 x 45

Basic Competences KI 4
2.1  Shows the behavior of mannered and caring in implement communication interpersonal with teacher and friends
2.2  Shows the behavior of honest, disciplined, confident, and responsible in implementing
transactional communication
with teachers and friends.
2.3  shows the behavior of
responsibility, caring, cooperation, and peace loving, in implementing
functional communication.

Basic Competences KI 1
1.1 Grateful for the opportunity can learn English as an international language introductory communication embodied in the spirit of learning
Basic Competences KI 3
3.6 analyzing the social function, text structure, and linguistic elements of Procedure text form manuals and tips (tips),
according to the context of its use.
Basic Competences KI 4
4.9  Grasp the meaning of the text
procedures, oral and written,
form of manuals and
4.10 Editing  procedure text form of manuals and tips, with attention to the social function, text structure, and linguistic elements correctly and in context.
Chapter Six: Procedure Text
Basic Competences

Indicators of Learning Outcomes:
Indicators of Basic Competence 3.6
ü   Students are able to identify the characteristics of a procedural/instructional text.
ü   Students are able to explain the usage of a procedural/instructional text.

Indicators of Basic Competence 4.7 & 4.8
ü   Students are able to tell the information from a procedural/instructional text, correctly.
ü   Students are able to edit and revise procedural/instructional text correctly.
ü   Students are able to make proper procedural/instructional text.

Media and Resources
ü    Book of Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XI
ü    Examples of text procedures / instructions or manuals, e.g. recipes, or instructions for usage of an electronic products, etc.
ü    English Podcast/video
Focuse of Learning
ü    Procedural Text
ü    Imperative Verb/Action Verb
Time Allocation
2x45 Minutes
Consist of:
-          Pre-reading- Reading and Discussion-Journal Writing
-          Building Block – Let’s Practice
-          Active Conversation – Writing – Let’s Create and Contribute


Learning Activities
Allocation time: 2x45 minute
Kind of Activity
Pre- Activity
  1. Greeting and praying
  2. The teacher Gives some motivation based on the material of study
3.      The teacher explains the learning objectives in this chapter, and what the student will do to achieve these goals.

4.      The teacher started the lesson by asking questions to students if they have ever read a Procedural text. If so, students are asked to explain what the procedure texts they read, and what their opinions with the text of the procedure.

Main Activity
  1. Students read the example of procedures text that are given by the teacher.
  2. Students listen to procedure audio.
  3. Students immitate the teacher’s pronunciation of the words that are used in procedure.

  1. with the teacher’s direction and guidence, the students ask some kinds of procedure and its expressions
  2. with the teacher’s direction and guidence, the students ask the different types of procedure in oral and in written both in Bahasa and English.
  3. with the teacher’s direction and guidence, the students the structure of procedure text.

  1. Students read the examples of procedure text that are given by the teacher.
  2. Students make a simple summary from the text.

1.      In group, Students compare the example of the procedure text that they got from teacher and other sources
2.      In grup, Students discuss the example of the procedure text that they got from teacher and other sources

  1. Students convey procedure of doing something considering the right social function, language structure and component based on the context

Closing Activity
  1. The teacher and students conclude the result of today’s material and the teacher gives motivation to be thankful of everything that God gives and always have scientist thinking in daily life.
  2. The teacher gives appreciation to the best student

Material of the Subject

What is a procedure?
A procedure is a text that tells you how to do, make or use something. It will give you a step-by-step guide so that you can achieve a specific goal. Procedures can be either written or oral (spoken).
Usually, a procedure will help you to:
  • make something, such as a recipe for pancakes 
  • use something, such as a manual on how to use a DVD player 
  • do something, such as how to play soccer or get to the park.
Written procedures often have images or diagrams to help the reader understand the procedure. Oral procedures, such as a television cooking programme, usually show the steps of the procedure while the presenter is talking.
Examples of procedures
Some examples of procedures might include:
  • recipes 
  • directions (to somewhere)
  • game rules
  • science experiments 
  • do-it-yourself instructions
Structure of a procedure
Procedures must include all the information needed to achieve the end result. If part of the procedure is missing, then it will be very difficult to achieve the end product.
Each procedure should have a title, or heading, that states what the procedure is about.
Many procedures will have a short introduction. This paragraph usually outlines the goal of the procedure.
Most procedures will have a list of equipment, materials or ingredients that are needed in order to achieve the outcome. A baking recipe, for example, will have a list of ingredients and cooking materials that are needed.
The steps of the procedure break down the process so it is easy to understand. All the steps are given in chronological order (in the order they need to be done). See image 1, 2 and 3.
Often, there is a short evaluation paragraph at the end of the procedure. This may give more information or ask questions about whether the procedure worked (such as for a science experiment).
Visual elements are important because they help the reader to better understand the procedure. Visual elements can include maps, drawings, photographs, or diagrams of the process and the end result.
Preparing a procedure
When writing a procedure it is important that you do not forget any of the steps. The best way to write an accurate procedure is to actually do the procedure and take notes about the materials you used, the order of the steps and what the final product should look like.
A procedure should always be written in the present tense. Make sure that you include measurements, the length of time and the order of the procedure.
Always check your text for correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
The three parts of a procedure are:
-          A statement of goal which may be a title of an introductory paragraph, showing the purpose.
-          A list of materials needed for doing the procedure which may be a list or a paragraph.
-          A sequence of steps in the order they need to be done which may use numbers. It uses words such as now, next and after this. Each step usually begins with a command such as add, stir or push.
-          Keep your instruction short, simple and to the point
-          Procedural texts are always written in present tense
-How to make sweat tea-
First, prepare the materials
Second, pour hot water in the glass
Next, put the tea bag in the glass
After that, pour a spoonfull of sugar then stir it
Finally, a glass of sweet tea is ready to drink
-How to make coffee-
Utensils and Ingredients :
 - 2 spoons of sugar
 - one spoon of coffee powder
 - hot water
 - a cup
 - a spoon

1.  Prepare two spoons of sugar, a cup, hot water, one spoon of coffee powder, a spoon.
2. Put one spoon of coffee powder into the cup.
3. Pour some hot water into the cup.
4. Add 2 spoons of sugar into a cup of coffee
5. Stir it well and the hot coffee is ready to drink
Example of Procedure Text:

Instruments Sheet
Listen the audio and fill the draft bellow!
Step of How to . . . . . . .
Ingredients/Materials                                                                   Utensils/Tools                                                           
Steps in correct numbered order. Each step to start with an action (bossy) verb.
the following pictures are a procedure of making pancake
Join the picture with its instruction

Make a structure text Based on the scrumble picture of making pancake that you have arrange in a chronological structure.
Present in front of the class the way of making pancake

keywords: RPP bahasa inggris kelas XI (sudah di translate dalam bahasa inggris), RPP teks prosedur bahasa inggris sudah terjemah, terjemah bahasa Inggris RPP Kelas XI, procedural text, teks prosedur, procedure text. 

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