Kinds of text / Ringkasan Macam-macam teks
Purpose :
- To help us doing a task or making something. They can be a set of instructions or directions.
Text of organization :
- Goal ( the final purpose of doing the intructinons)Materials ( Ingredients, Utensil, equipment, to do the Instructions)
- Steps ( a set of intructions to achieve the final purpose )
Language Features : Use of imperatives
Use of action verb
Use of connectives
Use of adverbial phrases
Purpose :
To tell the readers what happend in the past through a squence of event
Text of Organization :
Personal Recounts :
Orientation ( who were involved in the story, when and where)
Events ( tell what happened in a chronological order)
Evaluation ( comments of the writer/ speaker about the experience)
Re-orientation / optional ( the conclusioof the the experience)
Factual Recounts :
Orientation (who were inovolved in the story, when and where)
Events (tell what happened in a chronological order)
Language Features :
The use of nouns and pronouns
The use action verbs
The use of past tenses
The use of time conjunctions
The use of adverbs and adverbs of phrases
Purpose :
- To amuse or encertain the readers with actual imaginary experiences in difference ways.
- Narratives always deal with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem.
Text of organization :
- Orientation ( who were involved in the story, when and where )
- Complication ( a problem arises followed by other problems)
- Resolution ( solution to the problem )
Language Features :
The use of phrases
The use of connectives
The use of adverbial phrases of time and place
The use of the simple past tense
The use of action verbs
The use of saying verbs
The use of thinking verbs, feeling verbs, verbs Of sense
- Purpose : to describe a particular person / thing
Text of organization :
- Identification ( mention the name, occuption, profession an career )
- Description ( mention the physical features, the way he/she dresses and his/her personality)
Language Features :
The use of adjectives and compound adjectives
The use of lingking verbs
The use of attibutive has and have
- Purpose : to describe a particular place
Text Organization :
- Identification (mention the special participant)
- Description ( mention the part, quality and
- Characteristics of being the subject being described)
Language Features :
- The use adjectives and compound adjectives
- The use of lingking verbs/relating verbs
- The use of simple present tense
- The use of degree of comparison
Purpose :
To inform readers, listeners, or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important
Text Organization :
- Newsworthy events ( tell the events in a summary form )
- Background events ( elaborates what happened, explains what caused the incidjent)
Language Features :
- Information on the use of headlines
- The use of saying verbs
- The use of passive sentences
- The use of adverbs in passive sentences
Purpose :
To describe the way things arev such as man-made thing, animals, and plants
Text ofganization :
- General Classification ( introduces the topic of the report such as the class or subclass)
- Indentification ( give the shape/form parts, Behavior, habitat, way of survival)
Language Organization :
- The use of general nouns
- The use of relating verbs
- The use of present tense
- The use of behavioral verbs
- The use of tecnical terms
Purpose :
- To persuade by presenting arguments
- To analyse or explain”how” and “why”
Text Organization :
- A thesis
- Arguments
- Reiteration
Language Features :
- Emotive words
- Words that quality statements
- Words that link arguments
- The use of the present tense
- The use of compound and complex sentences
Purpose :
- To tell an event with a humorous twist
Text Organization :
- Orientation ( who were involved in the story, when and where )
- Events ( tell what happened in the chronological order )
- Twist ( provide the funniest part of the story )
Language Features :
- The use of action verbs
- The use of connectives
- The use of adverbial phrases of time and place
- The use of simple past tense
Purpose :
- To persuade the reader or listener that something should not be the case
Text Organization :
- Thesis
- Arguments
- Recommendations
Language Features :
- The use of emotive words
- The use of words that qualify statement
- The use of words that link arguments
- The use of present tense
- The use of compound and complex sentences
- The use of modal and adverbs
- The Use of subjective opinions using pronouns
Purpose :
- To explain the proceses involved in the formation and working of natural or sociocultural phenomena
Text Organization :
- A general statement to position the reader
- A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs
- Closing
Language Features : Focus on generic, non-human participants
The use of general and and abstract nouns
The use of action verb
The Use of simple present tense
The use of passive voice
The use of conjuntions of time and cause
The use of noun phrases
The use of complex sentences
The use of technical language
Purpose :
- To explore various perspectives before coming to an informed decision
- To present information and opinions about more than one side of an issue ( for points and against points )
Text Organization :
- Opening statement presenting the issue
- Arguments or evidence for different points of view ( pros and cons )
- Concluding recommendation
Language Features : The use of general nouns
The use of relating Verbs
The use of thinking verbs
The use of additive connectives
The use of contrastive connectives
The use of causal connectives
The use modalities
The use of adverbs of manner
Purpose :
- To summarise, analyse, and respond to art works
- To critique an art work or event for a public audience
Text Organization :
- Orientation ( Background information on the text)
- Interpretative Recount ( Summary of an art work) (including characters and plot
- Evaluation ( Concluding statement : judgement, opinion, or recommendation )
- Evaluative Summation (The last opinion consisting of the appraisal or punchline of the artwork being reviewed )
Language Features : The use of complex and compound sentences
The use of adjectives and phrases appraisal
The use of metaphorical expressions
The use of noun phrases
Purpose :
To share with others an account of an unusual or amusing incident
Text Organization : Abstract ( signals the retelling of an unusual incident)
Orientation (sets the scene )
Crisis ( provides details of the unusual incident
Incident ( reaction to the crisis )
Coda ( optinal reflection on or evaluation of the incident
Language Features :
Use of exclamations
Use of rhetorical questions
Use of intensifies
Use of material processes
Use of temporal conjunctions