Can our wealth Save us from Hell-fire? Story of Abdurrahman bIn Auf
Abdurrahman is widely known as a successful merchant. However, that wealth did not prevent him from worshiping and fighting in the way of Allah. In addition, Rosululloh Sholallohu Alaihi Wasalam explained that he was also one of the ten friends/shahabah who were guaranteed to go to heaven.
When migrating to Medina, Abdurrahman left all his property and all his trade was taken by the Quraysh infidels in Mecca. Likewise before, when he joined the Muslim party migrated to the land of Habasyah. Then Rosululloh Sholallohu Alaihi Wasalam brought him to the merchant in Medina, Saed bin Robi 'as Imam Bukhori narrated in his Jami’us Shohih:
لما قدموا المدينة آخى رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- بين عبد الرحمن وسعد بن الربيع قال لعبد الرحمن إني أكثر الأنصار مالا فأقسم مالي نصفين. ولي امرأتان فانظر أعجبهما إليك فسمها لي أطلقها فإذا انقضت عدتها فتزوجها قال: بارك الله لك في أهلك ومالك أين سوقكم فدلوه على سوق بني قينقاع فما انقلب إلا ومعه فضل من أقط وسمن. ثُمَّ تَابَعَ الْغُدُوَّ. ثُمَّ جَاءَ يَوْمًا وَبِهِ أَثَرُ صُفْرَةٍ فَقَالَ النَّبِيُّ -صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: مَهََََََََََََََََََََََّّّّّّّّّّّّّّّّّّّّْْْ قَالَ: كَمْ سُقْتَ إِلَيْهَا قَالَ: نَوَاةً مِنْ ذَهَبٍ أَوْ وَزْنَ نَوَاةٍ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ
When they (the Muhajirin) arrived in Medina, Rosululloh Sholallohu Alaihi Wasalam gave Abdur Rohman ibn Awf to Sa'ed bin Rabi '(made become adopted family) . Sa'ed said to Abdur Rohman: "I am the Anshor who has the most wealthy, so I will divide my treasure and I have two wives, then see which of the two attracts you and calls me later I will divorce and when the time is over (iddah/due time after difirce) please you marry her ". Abdur Rohman said; "May Allah bless you to your family and property. show me your markets?" So they showed the Bani Qainuqa 'market. He went to the market and did not return from the market but brought with him lots of cheese and samin oil. Then he continued trading until one day he came dressed in nice clothes and fragrances. Rosululloh Sholallohu Alaihi Wasalam asked him: "How are you ...?" Abdur Rohman replied: "I'm married". He asked again: "How much dowry did you give him?" Abdur Rahman answered: "A gold seed or as heavy as a gold seed" (HR. Shohih Bukhari)
In the Book of Fadhoilus Shohabah it is explained that one day Abdur Rohman bin Auf sold his land for 40,000 Dinars, then distributed the money to the needy poor Bani Zuhrah, people in need and to the Ummahâtul Mukminin (the Prophet's wives). Al-Miswar said: "I delivered a part of the dinars to Aisyah RodhiyAllohu Anhuma". Ayesha RodhiyAllohu Anhuma said: "Who sent this ...?" I replied: "Abdur Rohman bin Auf". Aisyah RodhiyAllohu Anhuma said again: "Verily the Messenger of Allah Shall Alaihi Wasallam has said:" Nobody is sympathetic to you except he is among those who are patient. May Allah Azza wa Jalla give Abdur Rohman bin Auf drink with heaven drink.
One day, in the midst of the tranquility of the city of Medina, thick dust seen approaching, soaring upward. More and more to cover the sky. The wind blew in the direction of Medina causing the yellow dust to draw near and be heard howling by the residents of the City of Medina. Citizens of the City of Medina thought there was a desert storm that was sweeping and blowing sand. However, they soon realized, from behind a lump of dust came a cacophony that indicated that it was a caravan of large and long caravans. Evidently, a few moments later there were 700 camels full of cargo filling the streets of Medina. Residents told each other to watch the crowd and to rejoice with the abundant fortune.
Upon hearing the arrival of the caravan, Ummul Mu'minim, Ayesha asked, "What is happening in Medina? The answer came, Abdurrahnan bin Auf's trade caravan came from Sham to bring his wares. Ayesha again asked, A caravan that causes such a cacophony? Yes, O Ummul Mu'minin, People replied. Ayesha shook her head, while remembering the Prophet's words about Abdur Rohman bin Auf, I once heard the Prophet say, "I saw Abdurrahman bin Awf entering heaven by crawling".
Some friends delivered Aisha's words to Abdur Rohman, he also said that the Prophet's words had been conveyed repeatedly. He invited Ayesha and said, "O Umm al-Mu'minin, asking me to remember the words of the Prophet that I have never forgotten. And, know O Ummul Mu'minin, all the caravans with this load, I offer to dedicate in the way of Allah. Loads of 700 vehicles were distributed to all residents of Medina and surrounding areas.
The prosperity of Abdur Rohman bin Auf didn'd blinded his eyes. He frequently cried upon remembering his friends who died during in the early Islam whose condition was really in deep sorrow, lack of wealtg and food. from Ibrohim bin Abdur Rohman bin Auf (optional), he told:
أن عبد الرحمن بن عوف رضى الله عنه أتى بطعام وكان صائما فقال قتل مصعب بن عمير وهو خير منى كفن فى بردة إن غطى رأسه بدت رجلاه وإن غطى رجلاه بدا رأسه وأراه قال وقتل حمزة وهو خير منى ثم بسط لنا من الدنيا ما بسط أو قال أعطينا مِنَ الدُّنْيَا مَا أُعْطِينَا وَقَدْ خَشِينَا أَنْ تَكُونَ حَسَنَاتُنَا عَجِّلَتْ لَنَا ثُثُ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ََ
"At one time food was served for Abdur Rohman bin Awf. But at that time he was fasting. The compilation of Abdur Rohman bin Auf said, "Mush'ab bin Umair is a better person than me. He died in the remaining soil made of feathers. If the agreement is closed, then the decision is opened. If approved, closing is better than mine. When he was killed in battle, the cloth that concealed him was only partial, then it seemed appropriate. The same is true for Hamzah, he is better than me. While we are entitled to a lot of worlds. "Or he said," We have a lot of rights to the world. We are worried, if our kindness has been rewarded with this wealth. "Then he continued to cry and left the food." (HR. Shohih Bukhari)
Ibn Hajar stated, "This hadith contains a lesson about the virtues of zuhud's life. There is also a suggestion that good people do not want to compete in increasing their wealth because it will make their profits decrease. That is what was implied by Abdur Rohman bin Awf that he was worried because of the abundant wealth he had, which caused Allah to immediately support the welfare of the world (while in the hereafter did not get anything,). (Syarah Fath Al Bari)
Keywords :the story of Abdurrahman bin Auf, a succes merchant in the era of Prophet , kind successful merchant, the wealth that can save you in the here after, make your wealth benefit, wealthy benefits. Good example of abdurrahmna bin auf, can we enter to Jannah With our wealth,