cara mudah menghafal Part of Speech

Jenis-jenis kata dalam bahasa inggris dibagi menjadi 8 ( Eight Parts of Speech) atau untuk mempermudah dalam menghafalkan disebut dengan istilah PANCAVIP (Pronoun, Adjective, Noun, Conjunction, Adverb, Verb, Interjection, Preposition).

1.   Pronouns(kata ganti) : I, you, we, they, she  .....
2.   Adjectives(kata sifat) : good, fussy, curious . . . .
3.   Nouns(kata benda) : car, book, pen, horse . . . . .
4.   Conjunctions(kata sambung): but, or, while,  for . . . .
5.   Adverbs(kata keterangan) : now, seriously, well, . . . .
6.   Verbs(kata kerja) : cat, drink, took, gone  . . . . .
7.   Interjections(kata seru) : hi ! hello ! alas ! ouch   . . . . .
8.   Prepositions(kata depan) : in, on, at, before, after . . . . .

  1      6         3       4      3        5      4      1       6       3    4    3

keywords: cara mudah menghafal Part of Speech. memahami part of speech baha inggris cara mudah

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penjelasan kalimat dan macam-macamnya

nih buat teman-teman yang suka, mimin yakin smuanya cocok nih. ada lagu rap yang isinya bagus banget untuk menguasai part of speech. ringkas padat jelas dan sangat berisi.

So you wanna know about nouns, you wanna know about verbs
And you probably know that there are several other types of words
So if you yearn to learn, hey, we're psyched to teach
Now listen up and let me tell you about the parts of speech.

Verse I
A noun is a person or a place or at thing
Like you or your school or all your bling-bling
But the tricky kinds of nounsare ideas and thoughts
Like your strength or intelligence
Man there are lots of these nouns
To list them all, that would be impressive!

But to describe them, all we need are adjectives
Like hot, cool, false, true, spicy, or bland
And now I think you understand
So you wanna know about nouns, you wanna know about verbs
And you probably know that there are several other types of words
So if you yearn to learn, hey, we're psyched to teach
Now listen up and let me tell you about the parts of speech.
Verse II
Verbs. That's what we call the action words
Anything you can do, even if it's absurd
Whenever you eat, drink, move, think, go, or stop

Even if you just are, that's a verbthat you've got

"But, Mr. Jackson, how do I describe these words?"
You use another part of speech we call adverbs
Like loudly, proudly, and well, don't ask me why, but
Most of them end in -ly.

So you wanna know about nouns, you wanna know about verbs
And you probably know that there are several other types of words
So if you yearn to learn, hey, we're psyched to teach
Now listen up and let me tell you about the parts of speech.

Verse III
A preposition gives location, just so you know
Whether an object is between, in, by, or below
But it can also talk about time, as a matter of fact;

If something happened before this, or is gonna happen after that
They always have a prepositional phrase
it's the traditional way that every prepositionoperates
So just make sure that the object is there
Or else you'll never know what goes where
So you wanna know about nouns, you wanna know about verbs
And you probably know that there are several other types of words
So if you yearn to learn, hey, we're psyched to teach
Now listen up and let me tell you about the parts of speech.
Verse IV
A conjunction joins phrases or words together
Like and, but, or, as, if, and whether
Some appear in pairs, like neither and nor,
You know I'd love to list
them all but there are so many more

So let’s go on to pronouns, they replace nouns
So you can say “it” instead of saying the same noun again
It can be just a breeze, you see
Instead of names, saying “he” or “she”

So you wanna know about nouns, you wanna know about verbs
Andyou probably know that there are several other types of words
So if you yearn to learn, hey, we’re psyched to teach
Now listen up and let me tell you about the parts of

Verse V
Hold up! Almost forgot about the next one
I’m speaking, of course, of the interjection:
Whoa!, yo!, yikes!, holy cow!
You know the parts of speech well I think you do now

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